LeTip Harrisburg Metro

LeTip International is the world’s largest, privately owned, professional business leads organization. Since 1978, LeTip programs have helped over 50,000 members, throughout the United States and Canada, build business success through personal referrals.
LeTip International’s structure sets the standard in the word-of-mouth referral industry. Members are known for their professionalism, dedication, and loyalty to one another and to the LeTip Program.
Our LeTip Harrisburg Metro chapter meets weekly to exchange qualified leads, build solid business relationships, develop strong presentation skills, and become proficient networkers. Only one representative of any given profession is accepted into a chapter, and members are chosen for their occupational expertise.
East Shore Healthcare
They focus on you! Not just the problem. A Member of Harrisburg Metro Letip.

Weekly Meeting Info
Our chapter meets every Thursday from 11:31 a.m. – 1:01 p.m. at the Perkins Restaurant, just north of the intersection of Rt. 81 and Rt. 39. You are welcome to attend to see how being a member of LeTip can help you grow your business.
The Answer Is Yes!
This video, “The Answer Is Yes!”, was created by LeTip International to help a prospective member understand how LeTip can help generate more business.